New Blog Site

Hello Everyone! We had to start a new blog site because I was uploading pictures wrong onto this one. This site will stay up so you can see old pictures, but I will be posting everything new onto the new site:) The address is pretty much the same, just added a number 2. Here is the site. Thanks again for following :)

A Nice morning hike at Hogan!

So I have been home for a couple of days now getting ready for our little one's arrival. I decided to take the dogs for a three mile walk this morning, at lake Hogan, to get some energy out ;) Hopefully the walk also gets someone else moving also :) I was pretty tired after we finished. The weather has been so beautiful, I just couldn't waste it! I hope it stays this nice for the next couple of weeks.

Such a beautiful morning!

Such a beautiful morning!

Riggs and Tule waiting for me to finish my little break:)

Riggs and Tule waiting for me to finish my little break:)

Baby updates...

So today we had another doctor appointment, so I thought I would give everyone a quick update. Everything looks great, they did an NST test (stress test) and our little one was moving around like crazy :) Doctor did a pelvic and said I am 2 cm dialated, 100% effaced and already engaged, doctor was able to feel her head, which is so cool. Everything looks great, and we may be meeting our little one a little sooner than we thought, we can't wait! I will keep everyone posted if anything changes:)

Friday and Saturday

Friday was my second to the last day at work. My kids were so cute, they had another teacher let them into my room early and they completely decorated with signs, balloons and gifts. They even made my favorite treats! I am going to miss them, and I really hope I am able to make it to their promotion ceremony on the 4th!

Saturday night, Jeremy and I met Emily and Timothy up at the Frog Jump. We had a lot of fun walking around, and going to a concert :) It was great to hang out with them both. I think the hilly frog jump got to me a little after cleaning all day so I was pretty hurt at the end of the night, but had an awesome time!

The decorating group!!!

The decorating group!!!

All of my 180 students signed :)

All of my 180 students signed :)

Jeremy at the Frog Jump

Jeremy at the Frog Jump
What a cute cowboy!

Getting ready for the Concert

Getting ready for the Concert
I know, I'm huge and retaining water! I could barely sit on the grass! haha

Em and Timothy

Em and Timothy

Jeremy thought it was great that my stomach can hold his beer:)

Jeremy thought it was great that my stomach can hold his beer:)

Dancing it up!!!

Dancing it up!!!

37 Week Doctor Appointment...

Today we had our 37 week appointment with Dr. Pennisi. As of right now I am 100% effaced and a centimenter dialated, so we still have a ways to go :) I am getting to finish up work on Monday so I will have some time on my hands to get things ready for our little one :) Everything else seemed good, he is going to run a stress test on Tuesday to check her out, but all should be fine. We will keep you all updated on her status and let you know if the doctor thinks she will be coming soon. Keep us in your thoughts :)

My belly has definately dropped

My belly has definately dropped

This last weekend in Tahoe and baby updates...

So last weekend, Jeremy and I headed up to Tahoe one last time before our little one arrives. We had a great mother's day weekend. My parents met us up there. Saturday the boys and my mom cut up wood. I couldn't really do much, especially with the high altitude, but I was able to work the lever on the spliter. Saturday night we went to Kalani's for a very nice dinner. Great last weekend in Tahoe:)

Baby updates:
Yesterday, I had to go into the doctor because I wasn't feeling right. Turns out everything was good, but I'm already 80% effaced and dialating, so the doctor is going to have me come in again tomorrow for a check. Looks like I'm starting my maternity leave early and we might be having our little one before June :) We decided since the check up that we should probably put her car seat in the car and her bag:) Please keep us in your thoughts and we will keep you updated:)

Beautiful drive up to Tahoe

Beautiful drive up to Tahoe

Jeremy cutting rounds

Jeremy cutting rounds

36 weeks and still getting huge!!!

36 weeks and still getting huge!!!

The Cabin

The Cabin

The belly 36 weeks :)

The belly 36 weeks :)
She was so round we had to take it.

Started to snow on Sunday

Started to snow on Sunday

Car seat, mirror, diaper bag ready!

Car seat, mirror, diaper bag ready!

Even had the car cleaned, and put up the gate for the dogs in the back :(

Even had the car cleaned, and put up the gate for the dogs in the back :(

Baby News...

Jeremy and I went to our 36 week appointment today. Everything looks great, and Dr. Pennisi thinks we are on schedule for the first week in June, he thinks she will be able to hold out until then, after doing an internal and I'm not dialated, so that's good news. Dr. will do a sonogram next Thursday to see how big she is:) Keep us in your thoughts and we will update if we hear anything at our weekly appointments. I will post a couple belly pictures soon, she is dropping fast, and looks much different:)

One Jam Packed Weekend!

So Jeremy and I had an amazing, very busy weekend! First of all my best friend Nicole, and her mom Julie planned a surprise shower for me on Saturday afternoon. I can't believe how long ago they had this planned and how many people, including my wonderful husband kept it a secret! Thank you Coley and Julie for such a wonderful surprise! It was great to see everyone, and their home looked beautiful! I had a great time:)

Saturday night Jeremy and I headed up to Murphy's for a wonderful anniversary dinner. We ate at "V" which is where we spent the night after our wedding, they made it very special for us :) We stayed the night at our families house and came home Sunday after a beautfiul breakfast at Grounds.

Sunday was our actual wedding anniversary, I went to my friend Lindsay's shower for a couple hours, she was home for this weekend from Virginia. Jeremy did a lot of yard work, and then when I came home, we put away all of the baby gear, washed everything, and then sat down to a romantic anniversary dinner outside on our deck, perfect weather!!! We had a great time and we are finally feeling ready for our little one to arrive:)

Opening Gifts at the Surprise Shower

Opening Gifts at the Surprise Shower

My mom and I at my shower:)

My mom and I at my shower:)

My sister, Sandy, made our little one a beautiful blanket, and hair bands:)

My sister, Sandy, made our little one a beautiful blanket, and hair bands:)
The penguins at her work painted the picture:)

Our friends the DeMarco's bought her a talking pony!

Our friends the DeMarco's bought her a talking pony!
They also bought us our beautiful Britix Car seat and a ton of clothes:) Thanks!!!!

Our friend Christine made her a blanket

Our friend Christine made her a blanket
Everyone has decided on the name "Ava" for us :)

Our bob stroller, pack in play and high chair!

Our bob stroller, pack in play and high chair!
Thanks Aunty Jules/Uncle Scott/Holly, Mom/Dad and Anya!!!!

Nicole and her mom Julie

Nicole and her mom Julie
Thanks for a beautiful Surprise!!!!

Linds and I at her shower Sunday:)

Linds and I at her shower Sunday:)

Our 1 year Anniversary Dessert Saturday Night at "V"

Our 1 year Anniversary Dessert Saturday Night at "V"

Our 1 year Anniversary Dinner at home:)

Our 1 year Anniversary Dinner at home:)

Jeremy cutting a piece of our Wedding Cake for tonight:)

Jeremy cutting a piece of our Wedding Cake for tonight:)

It actually tasted delicious still after one year!

It actually tasted delicious still after one year!

Around 5 Weeks left!

With only about 5 weeks left, give or take, Jeremy and I are trying to get everything ready! My grandma finished all of the baby's bedding, we have the room pretty much put together, diaper bag packed and some essentials throughout the house already. We still need to clean the car and pack it, but I think we are almost there! Here are some pictures of her finished cradle. Thanks Anya for all you have done!!!! She is already sooo very spoiled:)

Completed room :)

Completed room :)

Her new Boppy Swing, Thank you Christine and little Mikayla!

Her new Boppy Swing, Thank you Christine and little Mikayla!

The finished Cradle! I love the bow!

The finished Cradle!  I love the bow!

My grandma did an amazing job on the bedding!

My grandma did an amazing job on the bedding!

My grandpa had name plates put on the cradle of everyone who slept in it

My grandpa had name plates put on the cradle of everyone who slept in it
All of the kids in our family, starting with my mom have one. Here is mine:)

My mom was the first :)

My mom was the first :)

Thursday Night Dinner with Friends

Jeremy and I went over to Em's house for dinner on Thursday night. It was great to see Nicole, Lindsay, Em and all the families. Nicole came home from med school and Lindsay home from Virginia. Thanks Em from getting all of us together!

Lindsay (28 weeks) and Me (35 weeks)

Lindsay (28 weeks) and Me (35 weeks)
The next Lemon Sister Generation has begun:)

The Lemon Sisters all grown up, Lindsay, Em and Me:)

The Lemon Sisters all grown up, Lindsay, Em and Me:)
Auntie Em is sooo Excited!

Jeremy had little Kayden pose, she is so cute!

Jeremy had little Kayden pose, she is so cute!

Nicole and I

Nicole and I
This is the first time she has seen the baby bump!

Court and her daughter Cami

Court and her daughter Cami

Cole and I lounging around

Cole and I lounging around

Everyone was able to meet Em's new Boyfriend Tim:)

Everyone was able to meet Em's new Boyfriend Tim:)

Auntie Em bought the little one her first pair of "simple" shoes and a carrier!

Auntie Em bought the little one her first pair of "simple" shoes and a carrier!

Our nephew Colson is Born!!!

On Friday April 23 at 1am Jason and Nicole delivered our little nephew Colson Mitchell Pratt. He weighed 7lbs 14 ounces and was 21.25 inches long. He is absolutely perfect! Jeremy and I headed down to meet him at the hospital on Friday after work, and spent the whole weekend in San Luis with family. We had a great time and it was so exciting to be a part of this new adventure! Nicole and Jason are doing such a great job with Colson, it was exciting to see them be parents! We can't wait to watch Colson grow up! We hope you enjoy some pictures of Colson's first couple of days in the world:)

Look at all that hair!

Look at all that hair!

Uncle Jeremy and little Colson at the hospital

Uncle Jeremy and little Colson at the hospital

Auntie Nicci with Colson :)

Auntie Nicci with Colson :)

Jason, Nicole, Colson, Me and Jeremy

Jason, Nicole, Colson, Me and Jeremy

It was funny, everytime I held Colson on my belly, our little one would kick him:)

It was funny, everytime I held Colson on my belly, our little one would kick him:)
She must have felt her cousin:)

While everyone was trying to rest on Saturday, Jeremy and I headed to Pismo:)

While everyone was trying to rest on Saturday, Jeremy and I headed to Pismo:)

34 weeks prego!!!

34 weeks prego!!!

When we came home, Colson was finally up:)

When we came home, Colson was finally up:)

Saturday night they gave poor Colson his first bath, he was not too happy! ;(

Saturday night they gave poor Colson his first bath, he was not too happy! ;(

Isn't he soooo cute!

Isn't he soooo cute!

Uncle Jeremy and Colson before we had to leave to come home:(

Uncle Jeremy and Colson before we had to leave to come home:(
It was so difficult to leave, but we know we will see him in a few weeks:)

Sunday Morning on the Ranch

This morning Jeremy and my dad headed off, bright and early to the ranch to finish building a fence on some new pasture land. I met them out there for a couple of hours to help do clips, but then got tired and hot and had to come home :) The fence is looking great, they have had to do so much work, but it will be worth it once we get the cows moved to the new pasture to graze. Riggs, Tule and Bodie were having a great time!

Jeremy Fencing :)

Jeremy Fencing :)

Bodie and Tule in the creek

Bodie and Tule in the creek

Jeremy, Dad and the dogs

Jeremy, Dad and the dogs

I'm clipping :)

I'm clipping :)

The new fence

The new fence

Baby's Room

My grandmother came over Saturday evening and brought by our bedding for the baby's room that she made! She went to soooo much work! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! It looks amazing, we were so excited to get it all put together, her room looks beautiful and is ready for her arrival! We then went over to my parents house for an amazing dinner :) Great Saturday evening!

Anya, and I with the bedding :)

Anya, and I with the bedding :)

So much detail!

Our little one's room is finally complete!

Our little one's room is finally complete!

Last weekend at the rodeo, we picked up some chaps for her:)

Last weekend at the rodeo, we picked up some chaps for her:)

I had to put this picture of Tule after she and her cousin, Bodie went swimming!

I had to put this picture of Tule after she and her cousin, Bodie went swimming!
She looks sooo guilty!!!

Friday Afternoon Hike

Friday after work Jeremy and I decided to take the dogs for a little hike by Hogan. Later that evening we made our way back to the house, picked up some wine and walked to my parents house for a couple of hours. It was absolutely beautiful out!

Jeremy and the dogs on our hike

Jeremy and the dogs on our hike

It was such a beautiful trail!!!

Tule couldn't resist the water, it was so green!!! Yuck!

Tule couldn't resist the water, it was so green!!! Yuck!

The llama and goats followed us on our way to my parents:)

The llama and goats followed us on our way to my parents:)

My expanding beach ball belly:) (33 + weeks)

My expanding beach ball belly:) (33 + weeks)

The river looked so pretty

The river looked so pretty

Riggs and Tule were trying to "round up" the llama and goats!

Riggs and Tule were trying to "round up" the llama and goats!

32 week Dr. Appointment

Today we had our 32 week dr. appoint. Our little girl isn't so little anymore:) They did an ultrasound and she measures in at about 4lbs, her heartbeat was 147 and everything looks completely normal. She was already turned into the head down position, so she is right on schedule for around June 5th!!!! We cannot believe how close that is, only about 8 more weeks to go! Keep us in your thoughts these last few weeks. We can't wait to be able to introduce our little girl to the world:)

Easter Present :)

My parents suprised us with the most amazing backpack for the baby!!! We had been looking at "Sherpa" baby packs for a while. This pack is amazing, so much storage and sooo many features, we were so excited and can't thank them enough :) This way our little one can enjoy our hikes with us :)

Easter Weekend

We had a very productive Easter weekend. Friday night was so nice because our friends Emily, Kristina and Emily's new friend/co-worker Tim came over for dinner. We had such a nice time with everyone. Saturday and Sunday, Jeremy and I spent time up at the Murphys house with the family. The boys built a new fence in the backyard, which looks amazing!!!! We ate a lot of food and just enjoyed eachother's company:)

My dad and Jeremy

My dad and Jeremy

My brother and Riggs (always has to be a part of everything:)

My brother and Riggs (always has to be a part of everything:)

Boys on break:)

Boys on break:)

Jeremy, Dad and Uncle Scott

Jeremy, Dad and Uncle Scott

The finished Fence

The finished Fence
The boys finished right before it started to rain!

Jeremy and I Saturday night

Jeremy and I Saturday night

My Birthday Weekend :)

We had a great weekend! We were able to stay home and do a bunch of work around the house. Jeremy suprised me with the dresser we found at an antique store for the baby's room and the wagon wheel we found there also! JulieAnn and Pablo bought us some beautiful daisy trees for our front yard for my birthday, and my parents and brother picked up some rosemary and a beautiful olive tree. Jeremy took me to Lowes on Saturday morning and we loaded up on soil, bark, lavendar and some alyssum for the front flower bed. Poor Jeremy worked so hard digging out flower beds, transplanting plants, and weeding to make my birthday special. I planted a bunch of plants in the front and back of the house, it looks 100% better than before! We had some couples over for a bbq in our nicely cleaned yard on Saturday and then went to my parents on Sunday for a beautiful birthday dinner! My anya even picked up an ice cream cake, my favorite. They had a hot air balloon put on the cake since the trip Jeremy had planned for my birthday ended up getting cancelled because I was wayyy too pregnant! Thanks to everyone, especially my wonderful husband for making my birthday sooo special!

Friday night Jeremy came home with beautiful flowers for my birthday!

Friday night Jeremy came home with beautiful flowers for my birthday!

These were my amazing Bday gifts from Jeremy!!!

These were my amazing Bday gifts from Jeremy!!!

The baby's room is now finished!

The baby's room is now finished!

Jeremy tackling our yard!

Jeremy tackling our yard!

The dogs while we worked :)

The dogs while we worked :)

The New front flowerbed

The New front flowerbed

My work on the back wine barrels:)

My work on the back wine barrels:)

It was so beautiful this morning I had to take this picture!

It was so beautiful this morning I had to take this picture!

Dad and Jeremy drinking Margaritas :)

Dad and Jeremy drinking Margaritas :)

My mom and Jeremy cooking my dinner:)

My mom and Jeremy cooking my dinner:)

Aunty Jules and Mom

Aunty Jules and Mom

Jeremy and I (30 weeks!)

Jeremy and I (30 weeks!)

My cake :)

My cake :)

My olive tree and rosemary

My olive tree and rosemary

My friend Em stopped by and brought me a cute new top:)

My friend Em stopped by and brought me a cute new top:)

This weekend March 20th

Jeremy and I drove down to San Luis Obispo for the weekend. We spent the morning on Saturday at Avila Beach and then we went up to Atascadero for Nicole and Jason's baby shower. Sunday the four of us, along with some friends and JulieAnn and Pablo went to Morro Bay to take some pictures. We had a great time and it was wonderful to see everyone. We were very excited to see Nicole and Jason's house and can't wait to see our nephew Colson, who should arrive in the next few weeks :)

Jeremy and I at Avila Beach

Jeremy and I at Avila Beach

Almost 30 weeks and still growing :)

Almost 30 weeks and still growing :)

On our drive up Perfumo Canyon in SLO

On our drive up Perfumo Canyon in SLO

This is where Jeremy lived before moving to VS

This is where Jeremy lived before moving to VS

Nicole (34 weeks) and I (29 weeks)

Nicole (34 weeks) and I (29 weeks)
This was the first time the cousins could touch :)

The set up for the shower

The set up for the shower

The cake was adorable

Jeremy made some onesies for Colson :)

Jeremy made some onesies for Colson :)

Here is the back of them

There must be something in the water!!!

There must be something in the water!!!

JulieAnn, Jeremy and I

JulieAnn, Jeremy and I

The boys in the bibbs

The boys in the bibbs
JulieAnn saved these from when they were little:)

March 18th Mom's Birthday

For my mom's birthday, the girls went up to Murphys to celebrate. We stayed the night at our house, went to a nice breakfast, had pedicures and did a little shopping. That night my dad suprised my mom with a new 6mo old german shepard, she was ohhh so excited!

Breakfast at Aria Bakery

Breakfast at Aria Bakery

Mom and Aunty Jules

Mom and Aunty Jules

The new puppy, Bodie

The new puppy, Bodie

New addition to the baby's room

My grandma ordered a new cushion for the rocker she gave us for the baby's room. This is the same rocker that was used for all of the kids in my family, starting with my mom. We are so excited to be able to use it :)

Our Little Girl!

We had a 3/4D ultra sound this morning which was amazing! Yes it was a little freaky, but it was so nice to see our little girl again. She is much bigger and growing normally, her heart sounded great and she is right on track to deliver around June 5th yayyy! It was so cool to see her move around, suck her thumb and even stick out her toung:) They gave us soooo many pictures and a DVD, here are a couple for now, you can see she has Jeremy's nose and my mouth :) we also found out that my placenta has moved, Yipppy so we are on schedule for a natural birth :)

Here she is sticking out her toung! :)

Here she is sticking out her toung! :)

She was just getting ready to put her little hand in her mouth:)

She was just getting ready to put her little hand in her mouth:)

This Weekend

We had another great weekend in Tahoe! On Friday we met up with my long time friend Katie and brought her, and Joost up to Tahoe with us. It was so great to see her! (Katie's poor husband Kyle had to work ) Once up in Tahoe, my brother and some of his friends met us up there for the night before they headed down south for spring break. We started the party at the house and then the boys all made it out to the casinos, Katie stayed back at the house with my prego butt, haha. The rest of the weekend was very relaxing, boys went skiing, and us girls did some much needed shopping! Sunday we left early and Jeremy and I went for a hike before going to my parents for an amazing filet dinner! I have the rest of the week off for spring break so hopefully I get some much needed yardwork finished, I'll post pictures :)

Joost, Katie and Jer getting ready to party!

Joost, Katie and Jer getting ready to party!
We had just driven forever in the snow storm so everyone was ready to relax!

My Brother was pretty much toasted by the time we arrived!

My Brother was pretty much toasted by the time we arrived!

My brother's friend Joey and Jer, ready to go!

My brother's friend Joey and Jer, ready to go!

The damage!

The damage!
After us girls dropped them off at the casino we came back to this :) My brother cleaned up hung over the next morning :)

Katie and I hanging out Saturday night:)

Katie and I hanging out Saturday night:)

Jer and the dogs on our hike

Jer and the dogs on our hike

My ever expanding belly at almost 29 weeks!

My ever expanding belly at almost 29 weeks!

We thought this tree was cool

We thought this tree was cool

Once Riggs found us he had to climb all over the tree, haha :)

Once Riggs found us he had to climb all over the tree, haha :)

Our little one's room :)

We added a few more things to the baby's room, it is really looking adorable! We are definately looking forward to getting our little cowgirl all settled in :)

We mounted the "cowgirl" sign and added some stars :)

We mounted the "cowgirl" sign and added some stars :)

We added a few more horseshoes also

We added a few more horseshoes also

28 Week Dr. Appointment

Jeremy and I had our 28 week doctor appointment today. All went well, the baby seems to be growing great, my belly measures much bigger :) I have gained around 10 pounds total so far so that is good. The doctor will check in a few weeks with a sonogram to see if a natural birth is possible :) All looks well and keep our little one in your thoughts as we enter into our last streatch, yayyyy!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas in Tahoe

Jeremy and I have been meaning to start a blog to keep in touch with family and friends especially since we are now expecting our first little pratt in June. Here are a few pics of the family up in South Lake Tahoe at our cabin for Christmas.

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About 28 weeks

We have our 28 week doctor appointment tomorrow, so I thought I would post a couple of growing belly pictures. I will let you all know how the appointment goes :) She is definately getting bigger though, which is great news!


On Friday I went and picked up the mail, JulieAnn and Pablo sent our little one a beautiful book of poems, and music, I have placed it in her room for now on the changer until the dresser arrives, or we put up shelves, which ever comes first :) We are always so excited to get new baby things :) My parents also found an adorable sign for above her crib, Jeremy is going to mount it on some dark wood so that it stands out, but I had to put it on here before we hung it! Her room is starting to come together :)

I had to add this, my dad got her this onesie and I think it's adorable!

I had to add this, my dad got her this onesie and I think it's adorable!


Jeremy and I spent the night/day up in Murphys with my parents. The boys had to do some electrical work on the new house and us girls picked up some flowers for the yard. After we were finished, we decided to head to Ironstone, Jeremy and I hadn't been back since we got married. We forget how beautiful the grounds are! We had a little lunch, the one's who are not prego had wine and we walked through the gardens! Beautiful!

Jeremy and dad working on the yard

Jeremy and dad working on the yard

Riggs playing in the river

Riggs playing in the river



Jeremy and I at the Miner's Cabin

Jeremy and I at the Miner's Cabin

My belly end of 27 weeks, getting bigger!

My belly end of 27 weeks, getting bigger!

This is were we took most of our wedding pictures :)

This is were we took most of our wedding pictures :)

The birch trees were amazing!

The birch trees were amazing!

I'm getting pretty big now!

I'm getting pretty big now!

My Amazing Husband!

I came home from a long day at work and Jeremy suprised me by having our new changing table put together before he went to the gym. I just happened to walk by the baby's room to get something and noticed that it was all put together, what a sweetie! It looks awesome!

Fun at River Gold Ranch

We had a fun and very interesting weekend. My dad picked up a couple of new goats that are very cute and absolutely hate the dogs! The boys lovingly call the pigmy "little Nicky" and the alpine milk goat "Martha". Sunday was another fun-filled day at the ranch. The boys worked on getting a poor dead cow out of the pond and then of course had to get a truck unsuck. We completed our weekend with a very nice bbq and fire down by the river. With all of this activity, Jeremy and I found time on Saturday night to do a little shopping for the baby's room and have a romantic dinner out :) We added some very cute horseshoes to the baby's wall :) Always a fun-filled Pratt family weekend!

Introducing myself to "little Nicky" and "Martha"

Introducing myself to "little Nicky" and "Martha"

At the ranch getting ready to pull the cow!

At the ranch getting ready to pull the cow!

Bo getting cow ready for big pull, yuck!

Bo getting cow ready for big pull, yuck!

Here they go...

Here they go...

She's out, and very disgusting!

She's out, and very disgusting!

The boys, need I say more...

The boys, need I say more...
I can't believe I had to put these pictures on here!

Just getting ready to get the blue bomb unstuck

Just getting ready to get the blue bomb unstuck

BBQ by the river after a long day's work :)

BBQ by the river after a long day's work :)